SAPNE is a support service focused on the student, which aims to promote the presence, participation and support of students with disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism and Asperger’s) at the UFV. SAPNE’s work is based on supporting:
- Students with disabilities
- Families: counseling, initial interview (optional)
- University community: counseling, guidance, accommodations, etc
If you are a student…
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need:
- Individualized support and guidance
- Adaptation of exams
- Methodological adaptations
- Support resources
- Information on university services
- Enable the accessibility of your materials
- And whatever you may need to promote inclusion and university success
If you are administrative and service staff / teaching staff…
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need:
- Advice for the adaptation of exams
- Advice for methodological adaptations
- Support resources
- To enable accessibility of your materials
- And whatever you may need to promote inclusion and university success of your students with needs
Application period: September 2 to October 31, 2024.
Documentation to be provided:
- Request for adaptations.
→ Download the document - Certificate of disability in force and medical or therapeutic reports that support the requested adaptations.
Where to submit it: UFV Registration Service, Central Building.
Once the application has been processed, SAPNE will contact the student to arrange an interview and assess the real needs of methodological and assessment adaptation, without altering teaching aims, competencies or level of demand.
A report will be prepared with the proposal of adaptations that will be sent to the designated person of each degree programme and in coordination with them the adaptation will be validated.
This application must be renewed at the beginning of each academic year, following the same process.
New training options
Course in UNIDIVERSITY. Own degree in “MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION IN ACCESSIBLE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTS for people with intellectual, developmental and/or autistic spectrum differences”
If you are interested, please contact unidiversidad@ufv.es

Course at PROGRAMA AVANZA This project aims to train all students with intellectual differences, providing them with skills and resources to facilitate their full integration into society in all areas of their lives. Training program in administrative environments or early childhood education environments of two courses of duration.
By filling out this form you will be able to become part of the SAPNE volunteer pool that seeks to support university inclusion and teaching-learning processes for students with functional diversity at UFV.
The type of support you can offer is:
- Support and general orientation
- Taking or offering notes
- Study support
- Transcription of videos
- Support in Spanish Sign Language
If you are interested in doing any of these tasks, and promote the inclusion of students with disabilities, send us an email with your details and the type of support you can offer to sapne@ufv.es.

ONCE Foundation-CRUE Internship Grant Program
General information:
It consists of a scholarship program for students with disabilities who want to do internships during this academic year. Preference will be given to students in their final year and who have passed more than 50% of the undergraduate credits. In the case of master’s degree students, it is not necessary to prove that they have passed the current credits.
1. Have a certificate of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
2. Be enrolled in the Spanish universities selected in the call for applications. It will be the university that will make the selection of the scholarship student.
The duration of the internship would be three months.
The amount of the grant ranges from €1,800 to €600.
The application period to apply for the grant is September 20 through December 10, 2024.
The period available to apply for the grant is from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.
Apply here..
UFV Terms and Conditions.
General terms and conditions.
For more information contact sapne@ufv.es.
Opening ceremony of the UniDiversity program
On October 4 the opening ceremony of the UniDiversity program was held, a specific training program for students with intellectual disabilities and/or autism in which 16 young people will participate thanks to this initiative promoted by the ONCE Foundation and the European Social Fund and which aims to promote and develop programs for employment and university inclusion of young people with intellectual disabilities, in order to improve job prospects and quality of life of students with intellectual disabilities who participate in it.
The event was chaired by Fernando Viñado, Vice Rector for Comprehensive Training, and was attended by representatives of all the entities participating in the development of the program: the Juan XXIII Foundation, the ONCE Foundation, and, of course, the students of the program and their families.
It was an endearing event in which we warmly welcomed the students to our university, encouraging them to make the most of the experience by taking advantage of every opportunity they are given. We also emphasized the importance of these programs for the social and labor inclusion of people with disabilities
Special Education Conference
5th National Interdisciplinary Conference on Special Education and 2nd International Conference on Disability and Life Cycle
Thursday 26th and Friday 27th October 2023
CaixaForum, Madrid Organized by the National Association of Special Education Centers and Fundación Promiva
17 young people with intellectual disabilities will be trained at the UFV

17 young people with intellectual disabilities will be trained next academic year at the Francisco de Vitoria University thanks to the UniDiversity initiative, promoted by the ONCE Foundation. This initiative has the financial support of the European Social Fund through the Youth Employment Operational Program. The aim of this project is to promote and develop training programs for employment and university inclusion of young people with intellectual disabilities in order to improve job prospects and quality of life of students with intellectual disabilities participating in the program.
The course is entitled “Web design, accessibility and usability in web environment for people with intellectual disabilities, developmental and / or autism spectrum”, and in it the students will take a training that will consist of five training modules, four of them theoretical and one of work experience.
Within each of the theoretical learning modules, students will have a series of inclusive sessions thanks to the participation of different degrees of the university, making their training a practical learning, cross-cutting and applied to the work reality that they will have to perform.
This project is coordinated from University Extension, through the Department of Social Action and from the Support Service for People with Additional Needs (SAPNE), which will promote the inclusion of students in the different activities and training proposals of campus life.
The training that the students will receive in this course will provide them with useful skills to improve their autonomy, increase their knowledge, and acquire strategies that will allow them to better face the working world.
The official presentation of this program will take place on the UFV campus next October 5 at . It will take place at 12:00 noon in the Conference Room of Building H.

On March 2, the first round table organized by the Support Service for People with Additional Needs took place in commemoration of the International Day of Social Inclusion.
The main aim of this first activity organized by our service was to raise awareness, normalize and give visibility to disability in the university environment, as well as to reflect on the personal and social situation of people with disabilities today in our immediate environment
The activity was moderated by Carola Diaz de Lope Diaz, director of the School of University Leadership and first-hand knowledge of the social circumstances of people with disabilities.
In addition, we had the testimony of Dani Alonso, Alumni of the degree of physiotherapy with physical disabilities. He told us about his experience at the university, the social barriers he had encountered, the progress he had seen in this regard and the things that, in his opinion, still need to be done to promote and ensure the social improvement and inclusion of students with functional diversity at the university.
Later we held a round table with the participation of other speakers who, either from their own experience or direct contact with disability, had much to say about it.
They gave, from their own experience, answers to questions such as: What is disability for you? What has your life been like living with disability? How has society progressed? What remains to be done? What has disability taught you? What are the biggest barriers you face every day? etc.
We also had the representation of two students from the Avanza program, a project in collaboration with the Promiva Foundation and the Virgen de Lourdes School through which children with intellectual disabilities study adapted courses at the university, with the aim of providing training to improve the employability and university inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities.
It was a great opportunity to give a voice to people with disabilities in the university environment, raise awareness of their situation and reflect on what remains to be done socially to improve their quality of life

Last April 2, in commemoration of the World Autism Awareness Day, the Early Childhood and Primary Education Grades, together with SAPNE, carried out an awareness campaign with the slogan “People with autism do not live in their world, they live in ours”.
This day was established in 2007 by the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the aim of highlighting the need to contribute to improve the quality of life of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and promote their inclusion in all areas of society as full citizens
There is still much to be done to promote the full social inclusion of people with ASD, both in terms of care and attention, as well as education and support in all facets of their lives, hence the importance of awareness campaigns such as the one we conducted.
The campaign consisted of distributing a blue ribbon to the university community to commemorate this day, accompanied by a card with the chosen slogan, inviting everyone to use the ribbon to give visibility to this day
The purpose of the 6th edition of the Adecco Foundation Scholarships is to achieve the inclusion of people with disabilities in the employment market, promoting training in areas with greater professional opportunities in the business world.
- The deadline for applications is October 3, 2023.
Curricular adaptations in the university. Support for diversity at the university. Disability care at the university. Special educational needs at the university. Supporting students with disabilities at the university. Studying at the university with a disability. ADHD and university. Adaptations for students with high abilities