Training Project
Our mission pursues the comprehensive education (scientific-technical and ethical-humanistic) of future physicians, training professionals capable of addressing health problems with a broad and person-centered perspective (bio-psycho-social).
To this end, the UFV Faculty of Medicine has innovative resources (early clinical immersion, high fidelity simulation, online tutoring of clinical practices, personalized support) and a large university network of national and international health centers.

We aspire to help each student develop a broad spectrum competency profile, which integrates rigorous scientific and clinical training to successfully access professional life (MIR or other specialization systems), with a solid humanistic and relational training to help rehumanize the patient’s experience in health services, also preserving the emotional well-being and satisfaction of the professionals who care for them.
Research Project
The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) Faculty of Medicine supports and fosters a research environment that is defined by a culture of integrity, good judgment and best practices. Our growing collaborative and multidisciplinary research community has a common goal of addressing scientific challenges for the benefit of patients and society. We have created an environment formed by stable research groups, research centers such as the Cochrane Associated Center of Madrid (Cochrane Madrid), chairs, and agreements with scientific societies and research institutes so that researchers can develop their projects and feel supported in the face of new challenges. The Faculty, through the Research Support Unit, promotes research by professionals from the entire network of health centers associated with the university, fostering a widespread research culture.
Both the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Research of the UFV and its Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) are a fundamental pillar that accompanies researchers to create new bridges in the R+D+i environment. The Faculty is committed to integrating a necessary and ethical research culture that supports our mission to achieve lasting excellence in research and to be a university of reference in sciences and professions centered on the person.

The Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria offers the following university degrees:
Check the calendar and schedules of the faculty:
Simulation and Internship Program:
As a complement to the theoretical training and to favor the transition to clinical practices and the application of the theoretical knowledge learned, the faculty develops a transversal itinerary of training in skills in clinical and surgical simulation environment from the first course. The exposure of students to high fidelity robotic simulators, standardized patients (actors) and simulators for clinical skills, trains them in the diagnosis and treatment of cases, clinical reasoning and the doctor-patient relationship, which improves the use of clinical practices in a real healthcare environment.
The practices begin in the preclinical years (1st and 2nd) with the Early Clinical Immersion, which was recognized with the 2011 Award for Best Idea in Teaching Innovation (Diario Médico – Escuela Nacional de Sanidad).
From 3rd year onwards, clinical practices are developed after the theoretical load of the subjects through a task-based learning system supported by our own electronic tools (electronic portfolio, tutors App, students App) that guarantee the monitoring and evaluation of the clinical competence of students in real time, facilitating the recording of teaching to tutors and providing traceability to the training and evaluation process.
In addition, you can continue your studies in the following postgraduate programs:
Current position: Dean. Director of the University Degree in Medicine.
Qualification: PhD in Medicine from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. University Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Higher Diploma in Clinical Research Methodology ISCIII – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Higher Diploma in Senior Management of Health Institutions IESE (Madrid).
Other educational and academic merits: Director of Training and Research Area 6. Madrid Health Service. Accredited ANECA. Six-year period of CNEAI research. Director of 6 doctoral theses. PI of 6 FIS projects. GEI Medical Education and Innovation. GEI Teaching in Applied Clinical Simulation. GEI Humanization and Health.
Current position: Vice-Dean of Academic Organization, Quality and Teaching Staff. PEC of 1st year. PhD-Associate Professor.
Qualification: PhD in Biotechnology, Medicine and Biosanitary Sciences from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. University Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad de Miguel Hernández in Alicante. Specialist in Family and Community Medicine. Specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology.
Current position: Vice-Dean of Research, Innovation and Medical Education. PEC of 6th year. PhD Associate Professor.
Qualification: PhD in Medicine from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. University Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Specialist in Family and Community Medicine. Specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. University Master’s Degree in Public Health by the Instituto Carlos III of Madrid.
Current position: Vice-Dean of Practices and Health Centers. PEC of 3rd year . PhD Associate Professor. Clinical Simulation Instructor.
Qualification:PhD in Medicine from the Universidad de Alcalá. University Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Specialist in Family and Community Medicine.
Current position: Vice-Dean of Comprehensive Training. Professor of Medical Humanities.
Qualification: University Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Family and Community Medicine. Doctor of Philosophy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. University Master’s Degree in Bioethics from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. University Master’s Degree in Accompaniment from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
Current position: Director of Postgraduate Studies.
Qualification: PhD in Biotechnology, Medicine and Biosanitary Sciences from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. University Degree in Chemical Sciences, specialization in Analytical Chemistry from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Year in office: 2015
- Steering Committee of the Faculty of Medicine (CDM), body responsible for the organization of the university degree, achievement of objectives and articulation of the coordination mechanisms of the Faculty of Medicine, composed of the Dean and the Vice-Deans who meet on a weekly basis.
- Follow-up Meetings, carried out by the Vice-Deanship of Academic Organization together with the Professors in Charge of the Year (PEC) in contact with the Subject Coordinators, whose objective is to share the detailed follow-up of the student body, analyze deviations with respect to results and foresee actions, in addition to reinforcing the positive aspects, in each semester.
- Evaluation Meetings, attended by the Management Team, the Subject Coordinators and the PEC responsible for the year, the purpose of which is for the teaching team of each year to share the detailed results of the student evaluation process, with special attention to cases of insufficient performance. Meetings are held at the end of each evaluation period.
- Underperformance Committee, a committee to monitor student performance that is evaluated by the Dean and the Vice-Deans of Academic Planning and Comprehensive Training, together with those responsible for personal attention to students and academic orientation of medical students.
- Stable Research Groups Follow-up Committee, made up of the Vice-Dean of Research and representatives of the Research Support Unit. This commission meets annually to ensure adequate monitoring of the activity of the groups (active projects, published articles, patents, dissemination in congresses and other forums), as well as to gather the perspectives and needs of each group for the coming year.
- Mixed and Coordination Committees for the monitoring of agreements with health institutions, of equal university-health center composition that ensure the correct development, evaluation and improvement of clinical practices. The Mixed Committees meet once or twice a year, without prejudice to more frequent meetings of different organizational structures in the faculty and health centers.
- Academic Committee of Doctorate. The Academic Committee of the PhD Program in Biotechnology, Medicine and Biosanitary Sciences is made up of members of these three faculties and the Vice-Chancellor for Research of the UFV. This committee meets on a monthly basis to deal with matters arising from the development of the Program and the theses enrolled in it, to ensure that they are properly monitored and to evaluate new applications submitted each year to the program. Doctoral Secretary: Fernando Ruiz Ramos fernando.ruiz@ufv.es.
- Quality Monitoring Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, made up of the Faculty Management Team (Dean and Vice-Deans), the student representatives, the administrative and services staff representative (PAS), the university degree quality manager and a member of the Department of Institutional Quality and Evaluation UFV. This committee meets twice a year at the beginning and end of the academic year.
Alonso Mateos, Coordinator of Health Centers.
Cristina Cisterna, Coordinator of Hospital Centers.
Lourdes Antón, Coordinator of Clinical Practices in Health Centers.
Clara Álvarez, Coordinator of Early Clinical Immersion. - SIMULATION CENTERS
Patricia Chica, Director of the Center for Advanced Clinical Simulation.
Mª Carmen Calles, Director of the Surgical Simulation Center.
Sophia Denizón, Medical Director of the Clinical Simulation Center for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies. - RESEARCH SUPPORT UNIT
Cristina Antón, Research Support Unit Technician.
Fernando Neira, Research Support Unit Technician.
Lola Prieto, Research Support Unit Technician.
Raúl Castañeda, Research Support Unit Technician. - DOCTORATE
Roger Ruiz, Director of the Biotechnology, Medicine and Biosanitary Sciences PhD Program. - ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT AND TEACHING STAFF
Diana Juarros, Coordinator of Academic Management and Teaching Staff. - QUALITY, ADMISSIONS AND GRANTS
Ana de Benavides, Quality Coordinator Fac. of Medicine, supervision of Admissions process for Medicine and transfer of students, support to specific grants of the Fac. of Medicine. - INTERNATIONAL
Marta Butragueño, International Relations Coordinator. - COORDINATION SECRETARIES
Maritza Solorzano and Clara Álvarez, Coordination Secretaries
Resource information and research support
- Unit of service, support and assistance to the professionals of the health centers and professors of the Faculty of Medicine to facilitate the development of their research projects. Contact: investiga.medicina@ufv.es. The main functions of the Unit are: Support in the conceptualization phase of an idea in a study protocol
Statistical analysis and interpretation of results from Databases
Support in the writing of scientific articles
Support to carry out Cochrane systematic reviews
Advice to elaborate communications to congresses
Promote the contact with Stable Research Groups of the UFV
Ad hoc training in research
Madrid Associate Center. Cochrane is aimed at all those interested in using high quality information in health care decision making, whether they are doctors or nurses, patients or caregivers, researchers or sponsors. Cochrane evidence provides a powerful tool to enhance their knowledge and decision making in health care. The UFV together with the Hospital Ramón y Cajal make possible, through their alliance, the creation of the Cochrane Associated Center of Madrid whose mission is to produce reliable and accessible health information that represents an international reference model of reliable and quality information.
UFV-UCB Chair on Epilepsy and Movement Disorders. Directors: Antonio Gil-Nagel Rein and Fernando Caballero Martínez
Chair on Immunology UFV-MERK. Directors: Luis Álvarez Vallina and Fernando Caballero Martínez
UFV-FEA Chair on Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery. Directors: Francesc Soler Romagosa and Antonio Pérez-Caballer
UFV-UCB Chair on Inflammation and Bone Health. Director: Marta Sanz García
UFV-Pfizer Chair on Person-Centered Medicine and Humanization of Care. Director: Fernando Caballero Martínez
UFV-Fundación Vithas Chair on Pain. Directors: María Carnero González and Juan Carlos Tornero Tornero
UFV-Fundación ECO Chair on Person-Centered Oncology. Directors: Rafael López López López and Antonio González Martí
Microsurgery and Ophthalmic Surgery Classroom. Directors: José Luis Urcelay and Rosario Cobo
Advanced Clinincal Simulation Center
You will be able to study in our ADVANCED CLINICAL SIMULATION CENTER, a pioneering facility in Europe where you will learn to develop your technical and communicative skills in operating rooms, emergency rooms, ICU, primary care wards, etc.
Surgical Simulation Center
Our SURGICAL SIMULATION CENTER has synthetic, organic, experimental animal (lab rat) or donor (body donation program for undergraduate and graduate teaching at the UFV School of Medicine) simulators.
The Simulated Patient (SP) was introduced in 1964 by Barrows and Abrahamson to support the teaching of clinical skills.
As defined by Howard Barrows (1987), “a PS is a person who has been carefully trained to simulate a real patient so accurately that he or she cannot be discovered by a seasoned clinician. In performing the simulation PSs present the entirety of the patient they are simulating; not only their history, but also their body language, physical signs, and emotional and personality traits.”
The Faculty of Medicine has implemented the Simulated Patient Program-UFV (PPS-UFV) with the objective to manage and enhance this teaching tool that facilitates care, teaching, research and innovation activities related to simulation and that have a direct impact on improving the quality of care and patient safety. This PPS-UFV will involve training all those interested in the role of PS, promoting knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience related to simulation based on this tool.
This program is based on, and therefore aligned with, the definitions of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH, Society for Simulation in Healthcare), the Healthcare Simulation Dictionary and Best Practice Standards (EMP) of the Association of Simulated Patient Educators (ASPE), published in Advances in Simulation in 2017.
After 10 years of experience, UFV is a member of ASPE and we have ASPE certified instructors. In addition, we have launched a Simulated Patient School (EPS_UFV).