University Dual Degree in Business Administration and Marketing


First year class promotion from 2024-25

Second year class cohort from 2024-25

Financial AccountingOB2nd1 SEM6
StatisticsBT2nd1 SEM6
Social PsychologyOB2nd1 SEM6
MicroeconomicsOB2nd1 SEM3
Basic Digital Business ToolsOB2nd1 SEM3
Education for Social ResponsibilityOB2ndANNUAL4.5
Business LawOB2nd2 SEM4.5
Cost ManagementBT2nd2 SEM6
Financial MarketsOB2nd2 SEM4,5
MacroeconomicsOB2nd2 SEM3
Marketing in the Company and Digital CommunicationOB2nd2 SEM6
Fundamentals of MarketingBT1st1 SEM6
Marketing Research and Marketing Estimation OB2nd1 SEM6
Introduction to Data AnalysisOB2nd2 SEM6
Innovation and Digital TransformationBT2nd2 SEM6

Third year class cohort from 2024-25

TaxationOB3rd1 SEM6
Strategic ManagementOB3rd1 SEM6
Entrepreneurial MindsetOB3rd1 SEM3
Introduction to TheologyOB3rd1 SEM4.5
Changes in Business ParadigmsOB3rd2 SEM3
Great Books in Business ThoughtOB3rd2 SEM6
Financial ManagementOB3rd2 SEM6
Product and Brand PolicyOB2nd1 SEM6
Sociology of ConsumptionBT2nd1 SEM6
Managing of Innovation in MarketingOB2nd1 SEM6
Project ManagementOB2nd2 SEM6
Sales and Marketing ManagementOB3rd1 SEM6
E-CommerceOB3rd2 SEM6
Internet as a Relationship ScenarioOB3rd2 SEM3
Customer ExperienceOB3rd2 SEM6

Fourth year class cohort from 2024-25

Fifth year class cohort from 2024-25

Class cohorts 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24

First year class cohorts 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24

Second year class cohorts 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24

Third year class cohorts 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24

Management Control *3rdOB1 SEM6
HR Management *3rdOB1 SEM6
Financial Management I * 3rdOB1 SEM6
Spanish and World Economics for Entrepreneurs *3rdOB1 SEM6
Financial Management II *3rdOB2 SEM6
Ethics3rdOB2 SEM6
Management, Management, Direction and Control of Sales Forces3rdOP2 SE3
Management of Banks and Financial Institutions3rdOP2 SEM3
Professional Ethics4thOB2 SEM6
Stock Exchange and Capital Markets *OB2 SEM6
Sales and Marketing Management3rdOB1 SEM6
Distribution and Pricing Strategies Pricing3rdOB1 SEM6
Integrated Communication Strategies3rdOB1 SEM6
Internet as a New Relationship Scenario3rdOP2 SEM3
Financial and Banking Marketing 3rdOP2 SEM3
Below the Line (BtL) Communication3rdOP2 SEM3
Students will be able to select their electives from the list of subjects offered by the University each academic year. Details of these subjects will be published in the Study Plans book for enrolment. Similarly, once the enrolment period has concluded, the University reserves the right to open these elective subjects, dependent on the number of students enrolled.
* Subject taught in English

Fourth year class cohorts 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24

Business Strategy and Structure *OB4TH1 SEM6
Modern Language IIOB4TH1 SEM6
Introduction to TheologyOB4TH1 SEM6
Quantitative Analysis for Decision MakingOB4TH1 SEM6
Complementary Formative Activities IOP4TH1 SEM3
Complementary Formative Activities IIOP4TH2 SEM3
InternshipsEXT I.4TH2 SEM12
End of Degree ProjectEDP4th2 SEM6
Media Plan DesignOB4th2 SEM6
Relationship MarketingOB3rd1 SEM6
Marketing PlanOB4th1 SEM6
Commercial LogisticsOB3rd1 SEM6
Models Models Applied to MarketingOB4th1 SEM6
InternshipsEXT I.4th2 SEM12
End of Degree ProjectEDP4th2 SEM6
Students will have the opportunity to select their elective subjects from the list provided in the University’s Syllabus book, which will be updated annually to reflect the subjects offered during the forthcoming academic year. Similarly, the University reserves the right to open these elective subjects once the enrollment period has concluded, dependent on the number of students enrolled.
* Subject taught in English

Class cohorts prior to 2019-20

First Year class cortos prior to 2019-20

Second Year class cortos prior to 2019-20

Third Year class cortos prior to 2019-20

Management Control *3rdOB1 SEM6
HR Management *3rdOB1 SEM6
Financial Management I * 3rdOB1 SEM6
Spanish and World Economics for Entrepreneurs *3rdOB1 SEM6
Financial Management II *3rdOB2 SEM6
Ethics3rdOB2 SEM6
Management, Management, Direction and Control of Sales Forces3rdOP2 SEM3
Management of Banks and Financial Institutions3rdOP2 SEM3
Stock Exchange and Capital Markets *4thOB2 SEM6
Sales and Marketing Management3rdOB1 SEM6
Distribution and Pricing Strategies3rdOB1 SEM6
Integrated Communication Strategies 3rd OB SEM 1 6 of Integral Communication3rdOB1 SEM6
Internet as a new relationship scenario3rdOP2 SEM3
Financial and Banking Marketing3rdOP2 SEM3
Below the Line (BtL) Communication3rdOP2 SEM3
Students will be able to select their optional subjects from the published list, which will be updated annually and included in the Syllabus book for registration purposes. The University also reserves the right to open these optional subjects after the registration period, depending on the number of students enrolled.
* Subject taught in English

Fourth Year class cortos prior to 2019-20

Company Strategy and Structure *OB4th1 SEM6
Language AdvancedOB4th1 SEM6
Introduction to TheologyOB4th1 SEM6
Computer Models applied to Marketing and Finance *OB4th1 SEM6
Activities Complementary Training Activities IOP4th1 SEM3
Professional EthicsOB4th2 SEM6
Complementary Training Activities IIOP4th2 SEM3
InternshipsEXT I4th2 SEM12
End of Degree ProjectEDP4th2 SEM6
Students will have the option to select their chosen subjects from the list of optional subjects included in the syllabus, with the specific options available from the University each academic year. This information will be published in the Syllabus book for registration purposes. Similarly, once the enrolment period has concluded, the University reserves the right to open these optional subjects, dependent on the number of students enrolled.
Media Plan DesignOB4th2 SEM6
Relationship MarketingOB3rd1 SEM6
Marketing PlanOB4th1 SEM6
Logistics CommercialOB3rd1 SEM6
InternshipsEXT I4th2 SEM12
End of Degree ProjectEDP4th2 SEM6
* Subject taught in English

Please contact us for further details about the University Dual Degree in Business Administration and Marketing (Bilingual).

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    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in order to receive information about current or future courses or programs, open days, orientation workshops and information sessions, as well as reminders of the same.

    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria for analysis and segmentation in relation to educational preferences.

    The information provided on this website regarding the syllabus and academic conditions is for general reference only and does not constitute a contractual agreement between the student and UFV. UFV reserves the right to make modifications, updates or changes to the syllabus, as well as to the academic and enrolment policies, at any time and without prior notice. Please note that any modifications may affect, among other things, the number of credits required for enrolment and therefore their cost. The opening of the programme, degree, diploma and/or specialty is contingent upon verification and the existence of a minimum quorum of students. In the event that the requisite verification or minimum quorum is not obtained, the programme, degree, diploma and/or specialty will not be opened. UFV will publish the updated information in each case to guarantee maximum publicity and transparency.